
Showing posts from January, 2015

The Fate

FATE. Its a strangest thing in one's life. How much we deny it, how much we try to run away from it, it is something that keeps us reminding that "Hey! I am here". It is also said that our fate is written even before we are born. But it also said that our fate is in our hands, we can make it as we like. Our constant efforts and hardwork leads us to our fate. There is something that is rarely seen with fate and that is connection. Yes, the same connection that binds us as humans as relations as together. Our fates are also connected with each other. My fate will affect everyone around me. Every thing I do, is somewhere somehow will relate to someone somewhere, will make an impact on someone. While working and putting down constant efforts, another thing that comes before you is the Decision. Sometimes its not the whole hard work & effort thing by merely your decision/choice that leads you to your fate. Such a choice could be as simple as picking up a candy or as diffi...