
Sometimes life becomes a Sea Shore,
people come & enjoy,
they say they love it,
they spend their best moments there,
they even regret of not being there,
but at end no one stays back forever,
no makes it their HOME.

Just as a Joker, people love him,
enjoy him, but no one stays for him.
But still he manages to keep his
true face hidden from the world.

This is my tribute to most fun loving person i have seen in my life.

I across a strange fact, that while many were happy being together yesterday,many were happy being separated.  In Ahmedabad, 4 couples got divorce granted and the smile on there face was enough to explain there happiness. It may be the one side of story but still it makes me sure of one thing that is its all up in your head, whether its 14 Feb or 15 Feb or any other day or simply every day u need to celebrate ur LOVE.

Outside a  garden in Ahmedabad, which is famous among couples as a hang out spot, there was this man standing and distributing Coconut Water for free. Many couples couldn't believe it but it was true. It was his way to celebrate his day n make it a tribute to his LOVE.

He met his wife eight years back. This garden was their meeting spot n she loved coconut water. Since last seven years they have been celebrating this day together, it was was the first time that she wasn't with him. Only last year they got married against the wish of girl's family and her parents took her forcibly with them in diwali. He doesn't want to take his in-laws to court but win their HEARTS with LOVE.

So just spread the Love everywhere not just on 14th but every moment of your life.


  1. lovely thoughts....and background too....


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